Friday, February 1, 2008

Fat Bride - Skinny Bride

As some of you know, I would like to lose some weight before the wedding. Since I haven't been very motivated lately... even with knowing I would have to wear a big white dress... I have tried some new motivational tactics.

I currently have placed pictures around my house both on & in the frig, on the bathroom mirror and in my purse photos of my face on both a fat bride and a skinny bride. It was impossible to find a "fat" bride in all of my Bridal magazines. So she really isn't "fat"... but the skinny bride... oh my... she's very skinny.

I thought it would be fun to post my motivational tools on the blog and see if anyone could give me pointers on other effective motivational items that will help me get the needed push to lose weight.

In my bathroom, when you are getting out of the shower, you can't help but look in the mirror which provides the most god awful view of your naked body you could ever imagine.

Thus... the perfect place to tape up a motivational tool. Here she is in all her glory. Of course, I have already figured out that if I take a really really hot shower, the mirror fogs and I don't have to see myself!

hahaha... so sad... Bad bride... I should take cold showers so I can be motivated!

Here are hte pics of the Front of the frig and the Inside of the frig! Great aren't they?

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